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Born in Peschici in 1956, Maria Pia Vigilante works for the firm as an expert of civil law, labour law and the protection of women victims of violence in all its forms. Since 2005 she works for the Court of Cassation.
She graduates in Law at Bari University with a final dissertation in labour law, supervised by Prof. Bruno Veneziani. Soon after graduation she collaborates with the University of Bari, Department of Labour Law and Industrial Relations, becoming later Honorary Fellow at the University of Verona, Faculty of Political Science and working with Prof. Donata Gottardi.
Meanwhile, she also collaborates with several magazines such as, Guide to Labor edited by the “Sole 24 ore” newspaper; RGL news and Labour Law Journal.
Together with Pasquale Chieco and Prof Cataldo Balducci, she is the author of "Collective bargaining in Italy," Cacucci Publishers. She has also written, coordinated by Prof. Donata Gottardi, “Commentary on the collective agreement of banks”, Cedam publisgers. Edited by the “Sole 24 ore” newspaper, she is also the author of “The contract of employment agencies", etc..
Since 2008 she is a columnist for the “Corriere del Mezzogiorno” newspaper, part of the “Corriere della Sera” newspaper.
Since 2002 she is also President of the Association “Giraffa Onlus”.